Supervision of master theses
15.11.2018 1 Minuten Lesezeit

Please submit your short application via mail with reference to the key.

[MA1] Regional Kuznets Curves (taken)
Investigation of Kuznets relationship between economic development and income inequality across Austrian municipalities, similar to a tweet by Branko Milanovic.

[MA2] Spatial inequality in Vienna (taken)
Spatial evaluation of small-scale social inequalities in Vienna, similar to social monitoring in Zurich.

[MA3] National Rich List Database (taken)
Collect national rich lists from Eurozone countries and create API for public use. This includes searching lists, correspondence with publishers, legal clarification, setting up a database and creating an API. The thesis may then comprise Pareto estimations based on the rich lists.

[MA4] Social and cultural capital in Austria (taken)
Evaluation of the EU-SILC 2015 Ad-hoc module on social and cultural participation by socio-demographic characteristics.

[MA5] Neighbourhood inequality in Austria (taken)
Empirical assessment of small-scale income inequality with a new neighborhood inequality index as constructed in this new working paper.

[MA6] Distributional implications of green taxes (taken)
Analysis of the distributional effect of selected environmental taxes in Austria, similar to this article.

[MA7] Spatial analysis of the Gender Pay Gap (taken)
The Gender Pay Gap differs significantly across Austrian regions. What are the reasons behind the regional disparities?