The economics of inequality
PI 2159 • Winter term 2022/23
Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Dr. Matthias Schnetzer
- matschnetzer
Course details
- Oct 14, 2022 – Jan 20, 2023
- Fridays
- 10:00–12:00
- TC.3.10
Please contact me via e-mail and I will usually respond within a few days. Note that we use the learning platform for all assignments in this course.
This course covers the triangulation of the distribution of income and wealth, economic growth and wellbeing, and policy making. The starting point is a broad survey of the recent empirical research on the distribution of income and wealth. Hereafter, we will address the nexus between inequality and economic growth from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Finally, students will discuss the linkage between inequality, political power, and policy aspects. All topics are approached with references to recent publications in scientific journals and a policy-relevant focus.
To sum up, students will gain:
- an overview of the recent empirical research on inequality of income and wealth
- a basic understanding of the theoretical and empirical relationship between inequality and aggregate demand
- a multi-paradigmatic perspective on power relations and policy debates in economics