seit 2010
Lektor, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Department für Volkswirtschaft
seit 2013
Ökonom, Arbeiterkammer Wien
Abteilung Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Statistik, Referent für Verteilungsfragen
Anerkennungspreis, Sozialministerium
Wissenschaftspreis des Bundesministeriums für Soziales, Arbeit und Konsumentenschutz, Würdigung der Dissertation
Egon-Matzner-Preis für Sozioökonomie
Preis des Instituts für Finanzwissenschaft und Infrastrukturpolitik an der TU Wien
Kurt-Rothschild-Preis für Wirtschaftspublizstik
Preis des Renner-Instituts und des SPÖ-Parlamentsklubs
Nancy and Richard Ruggles Memorial Prize
Vergeben durch die International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW)
Preis für Wissenschaft und Volksbildung
Vergeben durch die Stadt Wien
CV als PDF
Social mix and the city: Council housing and neighborhood income inequality in Vienna
Urban Studies, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 752-769
[2022 · gemeinsam mit Tamara Premrov]
DOI: 10.1177/00420980221119408
Download: Zusammenfassung:
The Austrian capital of Vienna is widely acknowledged as one of the most livable cities, featuring a unique model of council housing that accounts for roughly 25% of all residential dwellings. This paper studies whether the broad provision of council housing is linked with a higher social mix in the neighbourhood. The analysis is based on administrative wage tax data at a small-scale raster grid of 500 × 500 meter with neighbourhood income inequality as an indicator for the social mix. While council housing is widely spread across the city, we find distinct spatial clusters of high and low income and inequality. Spatial econometric models show that council housing in Vienna is associated with lower income areas but slightly correlates with higher neighbourhood income inequality. These findings suggest that well-designed public housing policies may contribute to a higher social mix in a city.