Economic Policy Visualization

Redistribution · Maps

Dr. Matthias Schnetzer

November 25, 2024

The rise of the welfare state…

…and the demise of income taxation?

Government revenue and expenditure in Austria


Taxation in Austria

  • Income tax (wages and pensions, self-employed income, capital gains, property income, etc.)
  • Corporate income tax
  • Value added tax, alcohol tax (liquors), beer tax, wine tax, tobacco tax
  • Carbon tax, Mineral oil tax, energy tax, natural gas tax, coal tax
  • Motor vehicle tax, standardised consumption tax (one-off tax on motor vehicles)
  • Property tax
  • Real estate transfer tax
  • Insurance tax
  • Advertizing tax, digital tax (on online ad banners)
  • Air transport tax
  • Municipal tax

Composition of primary income in Austria

Composition of tax revenue by private households

Tax burden on employment across the OECD

Tax burden on wealth across the OECD

Inheritances as potential source of tax revenue

Revenue potential of inheritance taxation

Redistributive effects of taxation


Composition of social monetary and in-kind benefits

Monetary benefits in red, and in-kind benefits in blue colors.

Monetary social benefits account for roughly one quarter.

Distribution of transfers

Income redistribution in Austria

Income redistribution across OECD countries



Choose a map projection! For instance, {giscoR} by Eurostat provides maps in the following three projections. Check coordinates for axis limits at

The {sf} package

The sf (simple features) package deals with spatial geometries. These features have a geometry describing where on Earth the feature is located, and they have attributes, which describe other properties.

Plot a map

europe_3035 |> select(CNTR_ID, NAME_ENGL, geometry) |> slice_head(n = 3)
Simple feature collection with 3 features and 2 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 3618229 ymin: 1900590 xmax: 5257241 ymax: 2889034
Projected CRS: ETRS89-extended / LAEA Europe
  CNTR_ID NAME_ENGL                       geometry
1      AL   Albania POLYGON ((5148385 2216599, ...
2      AT   Austria POLYGON ((4832035 2857837, ...
3      AD   Andorra POLYGON ((3640254 2192873, ...
europe_3035 |> ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(fill = "midnightblue", linewidth = .1, color = "white") + 
  coord_sf(xlim = c(2377294, 7453440), ylim = c(1313597, 5628510), expand = F)


Chancel, Lucas/Piketty, Thomas/Saez, Emmanuel/Zucman, Gabriel (2022). World inequality report 2022. World Inequality Lab.
Grünberger, Klaus/Derndorfer, Judith/Schnetzer, Matthias (2024). Erbschaften in Österreich: Eine Modellschätzung Intergenerationeller Vermögenstransfers Bis 2050. Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft, 50(1), 21–41. DOI: 10.59288/wug501.230
WIFO (2023). Umverteilung durch den staat in Österreich 2019 und entwicklungen von 2005 bis 2019. Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.